Experience Profound Healing, Evolution and Ascension Through Weekly Quantum Healing

Join Melanie Tonia Evans' weekly live global healing sessions to break free from trauma, abuse, disappointment, old patterns, dis-ease and lack and limitations. Melanie's unique Quanta Freedom Healing™ process releases you into your True Source Self in order to start accessing intutive guidance, inspiration, activation, joy, synchroniscity and miracle breakthroughs.

Experience Profound Healing, Evolution and Ascension Through Weekly Quantum Healing

Join Melanie Tonia Evans' weekly live global healing sessions to break free from trauma, abuse, disappointment, old patterns, dis-ease and lack and limitations. Melanie's unique Quanta Freedom Healing™ process releases you into your True Source Self in order to start accessing intutive guidance, inspiration, activation, joy, synchroniscity and miracle breakthroughs.

Read what others share about Shifts Happen… 

I’ve had major breakthroughs with Shifts Happen - I used to speak to myself abusively, had no self-esteem, confidence, self-acceptance or trust within myself way, now I feel the happiest I have in a long time. I stopped seeing a psychologist after 6 years.

My self-esteem and confidence have grown, I set boundaries and support myself with more ease. I stopped judging my appearance and speak to myself with kindness, love and respect. I accept myself for all of me. I began trusting my experiences in life, others and myself, this was huge as I never thought I would trust again because I feared getting annihilated and saw myself as a target who was doomed forever. My heart went from feeling closed and scared, to open and grateful.

I never believed I could ever experience a true love, one where someone accepted me for me completely and loved me healthily and now believe. For the first time ever. that this is possible. Thank you, Mel, for shifts happen. They have successfully gotten rid of my traumas that I felt I could never heal, and I am on a new path that is brighter, healthier, loving and happier!

~ Hayley, Australia

The first Shifts Happen session I experienced, “The Light Wins” floored me with its power. I felt it so profoundly. I took the time to go back and absorb the other week’s healings, (as I signed up late to the course), and this made a massive difference in my life.

I reworked “Dissolving my Inner Critic” to stop the negative self-talk that has been holding me back all these years. I also revisited “Source Wants What I Want” multiple times to regain a since of wonder, gratitude, and awe for my journey, no matter what it looks like.

I use the sense of peace, calm, and serenity I experience after the healings to hold me securely and nurture me as I step forward into the world.

Paula Isabelle, USA

NARP Speedy Shifts already did a great deal for me, and so did the Speedy Shifts Healing Course. The Shifts Happen Program is a Turbo Boost on top of NARP Speedies and the Speedy Course, another huge step forward in terms of intensity and speed of trauma shifting! It’s great because you can summarise entire issues and bring them into the healing to allow Source do its magic.

The new topic each week always reflecting what I am dealing with in my healing journey. Mel does the shifting in each weekly group session and her energy is very straight and super clear. It reaches directly to the core of what’s going on.

Followed by tips and tricks, and a Q&A part. I can either participate live or work with the recordings of each session. There is no difference in efficacy. It’s a healing SPA for the Soul and a true guidance through my healing journey. It’s an honour to be in this program!

~ Julia Mojik, Germany

Shifts Happens offers its members information, and transformation. The information presented by Mel each week keeps me on track and in alignment with who I want to be, and where I want my life to go. It makes me feel sane when I'm surrounded by madness. The transformations created in the weekly group healings are game changing. Addressing different topics each week, the healings build on themselves creating a hugely impactful resource. Adding even more value, Mel spends time with the group answering our questions and sharing invaluable wisdom and insights.

Shifts happen is the perfect solution for souls struggling to exist and flourish in this world, or for people who simply want more from life and from themselves. The weekly meetings have not only connected me with my tribe, they nourish my soul, spirit and nervous system so that I can move through my day-to-day life in an empowered, grounded, balanced way. Connecting with the others in the group has created a sense of community and connection that I’ve never felt before in my life.

This membership is unparalleled in its value when it comes to personal healing, growth and expansion. Since joining Shifts Happen, I have experienced massive transformations and up levels that have created more health, joy and prosperity in truly fantastic ways. I 100% recommend it to anyone who wants more from their life.

~ Nikky, USA

Are you ready to shift?

All this for just $77/month!
Join our healing movement now!

*There is NO membership contract, you can cancel your Membership at any time!

Your Membership Includes

  • Weekly 1.5 hours of live group Quanta Freedom Healing™
  • New topic and trauma release, plus up-shift each week
  • 6 powerful Quanta Freedom Healing™ shifts per session
  • ​Live Q&A's with Melanie
  • ​Bonus materials and eBook
  • ​Alignment with your highest soul purpose
  • ​Experience rapid breakthroughs and positive shifts
  • ​Recordings of each session in your membership portal
  • ​Ongoing transformations physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially
  • ​Soul Map Sessions With Melanie discounted by more than 30% from $595.00 to $425.00
*Please note once you have cancelled your membership, you will no longer have access to any downloadable files that you haven't downloaded. 

This is especially for you as a..

Read about more Shifts Happen experiences …

Shifts Happen, is beyond POWERFUL! This program has the weekly topics that show up when I most need a breakthrough relating to that topic. Melanie inspires us all with her own ongoing breakthroughs while simultaneously supporting and facilitating us towards our soul’s highest evolution.

The group have become my soul family as we are all dedicated to evolving from the inside out. The shifts and results are MASSIVE as there is so much power from coming together as a collective. The relief from the sessions are immediate. I always leave them feeling filled with peace, energized and ready to take on future endeavors! The weekly sessions are so concise, that you can fit them into even the busiest schedules and are extremely affordable!

In 8 short weeks, Shifts Happen has helped me move out of survival mode to become more present and grounded in my body, daily life and in relationship with myself and others. Going into this program, I was still dealing with ongoing post-concussion symptoms (I felt brain dead from experiencing 11 concussions in 5 years) as well as fibromyalgia (which caused extreme pain and soreness in my entire body) and with each session my symptoms melted away, answers that I had been searching for years for instantly appeared in my life and I finally started enjoying my life again.

I am now confident in speaking my authentic truth where before I would stay quiet in order to get along with others, I no longer obsess about what other’s think about me, and I am valuing myself and finally others are stepping up for me. I am extending myself the same self-compassion I used to give away to everyone else.

I’m exercising daily and eating healthier and I have come back to my heart center. I can now say I am excited for what lies ahead of me!

~ Madeline, USA

Melanie’s channelled Live (recorded) weekly Shifts Happen sessions have helped me even more dramatically than using Speedy Shifts on my own. 

It is so obvious to those around me that every single day I am getting stronger, braver, and becoming a better person. I cannot thank you enough, Mel, for not only saving my life, but also showing me the way to transform, authentically, into the life that I am (now) so grateful to have.

   ~ Jeanne, USA

I have been searching all around the world for about 25 years for a method that is fast, easy and that takes no effort to use. I have used methods like Thetahealing, Energy Corrections, EFT, TAT and Coaching to mention a few. I am stunned how Shifts Happen is so easy to use, much more effective and significantly faster!

I can effortlessly reach deep into my subconscious mind. I also experience that with Shifts Happen, I can bypass the conscious belief system and misinterpretations, and there is no room for the ego to trick me or "protect/block" me anymore.

Most importantly, I can take any issue, physical, mental or emotional, and "run" them through Shifts Happen to dissolve them away!

I am stunned how much joy I am feeling, with these weekly sessions. I love it!

~ Nina, Sweden

As a Shifts Happen Member you get instant access to all previous, current and future Series 

These are downloadable, granting you an incredible Quantum Ascension Healing Library for Life!

Series 1: Source Foundation

Series 2: Self Foundation

Series 3: Manifesting Abundance

Series 4: Connection to Others

Ascertaining relationships with others Shifts Happen Session 13 Melanie Tonia Evans
Risking Vulnerability Shifts Happen Session 14 Melanie Tonia Evans
Leading with authenticity Shifts Happen Session 15 Melanie Tonia Evans
Generating evolved relationships Shifts Happen Session 16 Melanie Tonia Evans

Series 5: Integrating Incoming Ascension Energies

Ascertaining relationships with others Shifts Happen Session 13 Melanie Tonia Evans
Risking Vulnerability Shifts Happen Session 14 Melanie Tonia Evans
Leading with authenticity Shifts Happen Session 15 Melanie Tonia Evans
Generating evolved relationships Shifts Happen Session 16 Melanie Tonia Evans

Series 6: Empowered Action

Ascertaining relationships with others Shifts Happen Session 13 Melanie Tonia Evans
Risking Vulnerability Shifts Happen Session 14 Melanie Tonia Evans
Leading with authenticity Shifts Happen Session 15 Melanie Tonia Evans
Generating evolved relationships Shifts Happen Session 16 Melanie Tonia Evans

Series 7: Dissolving Shame

You Are Not Your Past
Freedom From Persecution
How Source Sees You
Rising Into Self-Totality

Series 8: Cultivating Compassion

You Are Not Your Past
Freedom From Persecution
How Source Sees You
Rising Into Self-Totality

Series 9: Frequency First: Embrace Unity Consciousness

You Are Not Your Past
Freedom From Persecution
How Source Sees You
Rising Into Self-Totality

Series 10: Going Clean and Free

You Are Not Your Past
Freedom From Persecution
How Source Sees You
Rising Into Self-Totality

Series 11: The Law of One (presently running)

You Are Not Your Past
Freedom From Persecution
How Source Sees You
Rising Into Self-Totality

How Does Quanta Freedom Healing™ Work?

These weekly sessions dissolve away internal trauma and transform your Inner Being, with fast upshifts, to freedom, authentic love, expanded capacity and alignment with one's True Self and Higher Life.

If you have never experienced Quanta Freedom Healing™ before, we have you covered with an instruction eBook, plus loving support in each session. You will discover how organically natural Quantum Healing is!

If you are already an avid Quanta Freedom Healing™ fan, you will LOVE the power of Global group-healings with Melanie as a magnified and multiplied experience into epic healing acceleration. The shift from 3rd density to 5th density, and beyond, has never been so needed as it is personally and collectively right now!

So if your ready for the shift, click below!

Yes!! 5D Here I come!

Shifts Happen Global Facebook Community 

Have you felt lonely? Misunderstood and devalued? 
Separated from family, lovers, peers and friendship circles?
Do you CRAVE people who you can be yourself with?
You are not alone, many Starseeds feel this way!
Here you will have a like-minded, conscious community - Your Tribe - where you can share all sorts of information, processes and ideas about health, wellbeing, ascension and New Earth technologies and solutions.
You may realise that members of your Soul Family, live in your area!

Once you become a Shifts Happen Member, we will let you know how to enter this incredible Community!

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course -you decide when you start and when you finish.

How long do I have access to the course?
After enrolling, you have unlimited access for as long as your membership existsacross any and all devices you own.

What If I decide to cancel my Membership?
It’s simple, all you need to do is cancel your subscription from your Member’s Platform profile settings. Then the month that you have paid for will run out, and not renew on the day of the month that your subscription is usually paid. Please note, once cancelling your subscription, you will no longer have access to your Shifts Happen Member’s Platform, or the Shifts Happen Private Facebook Group. 

If you have any questions or problems at all, please write in to our wonderful support team at support@melanietoniaevans.com

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Yes! It's time for my 5D shift
to happen!

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